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At Home Spa Guide

Written by Dari | Feb 15, 2022 10:45:20 PM

It’s time to truly treat yourself — we’re talking the full-on pampering of a spa day. 

And really, there’s no need to pay big bucks at a fancy spa when you can create a little tranquility right at home. From how to decorate, to the treatments (and yes, the snacks) you’ll indulge in, we’ve got your step-by-step guide to the most relaxing spa day. Come Monday, you’ll be all ready to take the week by storm. 

Spa activities are helpful for everyone’s health. As a caregiver, you should give yourself some self-care time to avoid burnout. By building time into your day for relaxation and scheduling spa days during your week, you can maintain good health. 

A healthier, happier you is a better support for your aging family members, so make sure you give yourself the time you need to practice proper self-care.

Set the mood.

Candles, candles everywhere.Nothing is more zen than candles. They smell good, give off gentle light, and are very calming. That’s why spas put them, well, everywhere — and why you should, too. Instead of scattering a few tealights and calling it a day, opt for something more creative (and definitely more eye-catching), such as floating candle centerpieces.

Make your own floating candle:

  1. Grab a pack of pint-sized mason jars and fill each an inch high with marbles. 
  2. Choose a flower to fill the rest of the jar. (Gardenias and roses are two of the most fragrant types.) 
  3. Fill the jars with water and rest a tealight candle on top.
  4. Light and Relax.

Scatter a few plants and flowers 

If you’re not the crafty type (we can’t all be Martha Stewart), just get A LOT of plants (or flowers, if you’re less committal) to brighten up your at-home spa. 

  • Rather than expensive vases, grab those same mason jars and flowersof your choice. Trader Joe’s bouquets start at just $3.99, so you don’tneed to spend a bundle for a bundle.
  • Mix and match tulips, wildflowers — whatever looks freshest that day— and cut them short so they look full in the jars.
  • For plants, succulents are a low maintenance, inexpensive option thatyou can buy in bulk. You can leave them as-is, or replant your newlittle friends in small mason jars, bowls, or teacups.

Pick up an oil diffuser

Purchase an aromatherapy oil diffuser for this spa day — you’ll probably use it every day, so it’s really worth the price. Grab one for less than $20 on Amazon and pair it with your favorite essential oils. Not sure which scent you like? Studies have shown lavender reacts with the brain the same way that anti-anxiety medications do. Essentially (get it?), it calms you down. Or try a variety pack for a sampling of scents.

Throw on a calming playlist

Finally, complete the mood with some quiet background music.Scour Spotify for playlists labeled “Chill Out Music” or “Chill Vibes” to find songs you’ve maybe never heard of, but will probably serve as your morning soundtrack from here on out. I like “Petals” by Bibio for giving a real feel for how this spa day is gonna go down.

Grab your comfy clothes and fuzzy slippers

Enforce a strict leggings or sweatpants policy (generally comfy clothes) for yourself that day. Pick your favorite fuzzy slippers, robe or comfy hoodie, and a pair of sandals for the pedicure.

Set it up. 

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